532 Adams St.
Rapid City, SD 57701
(605) 342-1556
DAILY PRAYER Dear Lord, thank you for your faithfulness in my life. thank you for all that you’ve done to protect me, guide me and to provide for me. Help me to remember that when I don’t see a way out of my difficult circumstances, you can make a way through. I am grateful that you are my Way-Maker in my Red Sea moments in life. I am thankful for the peace and rest you provide when I put my trust in You. I commit this day to You and all that’s in it. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Primary Service Schedule
Mass Schedule
Monday thru Friday ~ 7:30 AM
Saturday ~ 8 AM
Saturdays ~ 4:30 PM
Sundays ~ 9 AM & 5:30 PM
Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturdays 3-4 PM & 5:30 PM
Sundays 8 AM & 4:30 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays 8-9 AM
Followed by Benediction and Morning Prayer
Marriage Preparation
Arrangements for the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony are to begin at least 6 months prior. Contact Father Prendiville at 605-342-1556 Ext. 4
Baptism Class
Call the office at 342-1556
First Eucharist & First Reconciliation
Typically received in 2nd grade, BUT may be received at any age. Religious education classes begin in late September and go through late April or contact Father Prendiville or the parish office for more information.
will be received in 7th grade, BUT may be received at any age. If out of high school, it is usually through RCIA. Contact Bobby Myers or the parish office for more information.
OCIA (otherwise known as RCIA Becoming Catholic)
Classes begin in September and continue through the Easter Vigil. Contact Father Prendiville, the parish office, or Anthony Flores at 605-484-3190 for more information
This Week at Saint Therese
Click below to see what’s happening this week at our church!
Join the Parish
We are always happy to welcome new members to the parish! We love meeting new parishioners, so if you'd like, stop by the office to pick up a new member form, or print out the form linked below and stop by the office!
Faith Formation for Youth
We have several youth classes and programs!
Serve the Parish
Please prayerfully consider the gifts you have been given by God of time, talent, and treasure to determine how you can best share those gifts to benefit others. May God Bless you this day and always.
St. Therese Statue Origin
Parishioner Dale Schumacher has done some extensive research on the origin of our beloved St. Therese Statue.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(605) 342-1556